Our Mission:

To help alcoholics and addicts take their “First Step” toward sober and productive lives, the First Step Foundation provides financial assistance for sober housing as they leave treatment and start the road to recovery.
  • "I am grateful to the First Step Foundation for believing in me, giving me the courage, guidance, support, and most of all, relieving me of the financial burden of treatment. They were my “First Step” to recovery. I will forever be grateful. There are no words… Thank you FSF!”

    Kara T.

  • "Over the past year and a half, I have worked as a treatment professional in Tampa. One of my roles is to assist clients who would like to get into a sober living home after residential treatment. As many clients struggle to get their feet back on the ground, we have partnered with the First Step Foundation. First Step has scholarships available for deserving clients experiencing financial hardships that help with their first month's rent and fees. The joy I have seen in clients when they receive this scholarship is indescribable. It offers them a new beginning and HOPE. I am very grateful for the work the First Step Foundation has done and continues to do to battle the disease of addiction. Thank you for your service! "

    Riverside Recovery Center

  • "First Step Foundation gives a woman in early sobriety a real chance at achieving a sober independent life. Your grant gives them a chance to have a stable environment and support system where real growth happens. Every woman that comes to our sober house has a real chance to achieve their goals thanks to your generosity."

    Tamara Kurfiss, Better Beginnings Sober Living

  • "This foundation gave me the ability to get the help I needed, and at the time, the help I didn’t even know I wanted. I’ve been given a second chance at life and have a new perspective of the world around me and how I view myself. Doors have opened for me that would not have been opened without the help I received. I’ve been given the opportunity to create a life beyond anything I ever thought was possible. Today, I am thankful for my addiction because of the abundance it has brought me when I decided to ask for help through the First Step Foundation and get sober."

    Kelsey C.

In the past year, we’ve helped over 200 addicts and alcoholics continue their path to recovery.